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Purina® - Your Pet, Our Passion®


Brian met his first Portuguese Water Dog in 1998 and decided that this would be a fun dog to have.  He was right.   We researched breeders and ended up in Welland ON a few months later, at the home of Janice and Norm Starr, ( picking up Toby (Star's Tobermory of Brijen).  We showed Toby throughout the Maritimes and managed to accumulate 3 Championship points, with a Group 4th (as a puppy in the Lion Clip) and a Group 2nd (as an adult in the Retriever Clip).   It was fun, but we stopped there, as it was difficult without breed competition, and my lack of experience showing the breed didn't help either.   Toby enjoys hanging out with us, and watching out for all "his" Westies .


In 2005 Sofie (Star's Brjien Sweet Sofie) joined our menagerie.  Sofie is indeed sweet, however has not been crazy about the show ring.  They tell me it's a PWD trait, but who knows?  She has her 2 point win, and we're waiting for her to grow up a bit more, hoping that she'll decide that it's fun to be a show dog after all.