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Can/CFC Ch Justrite Joyous SE (aka Jaz) moved here thanks to Ron and Betty Armstrong of Justrite Kennels in England.  Although Brian wanted a Border "just for fun", we promised Ron and Betty that if they would consider letting a show quality Border Terrier move to our home in Canada, that we would show her off to her Canadian Championship. 

Part of the way through her showing career, Jaz decided that she didn't enjoy walking on the mats that are on the floor of the show rings.  We waited for an outdoor show and in spite of the heat, she just loved showing again and strutted her way around the ring, winning the remaining points required to complete her Canadian Championship.  She then continued on and in 2008 earned both her CFC and her JE titles and in 2009 breezed her way to her SE title..

We would like to thank the Border Terrier breeders here in Nova Scotia for the warm welcome we received in the Border Terrier ring - in particular Anna Robaczewski for her continued encouragement and support, and Cindy Cavanaugh and Carole Bernier - for all their help with showing and grooming.  We couldn't have done it without you!